Friday, April 03, 2009

The Obamas have converted me into fans

I've been posting on Michelle Obama a lot. The truth is, I think B.Obama is doing a hell of a job being the first black president of US and handling this recession with a firm, yet flexible approach. The tough and tricky situations he has been put through, has all been dealt with sauve. And while B.Obama is being a very likeable US president, M.Obama extends her husband's charms by being unconventional, down-to-earth and authentic, and all-around refreshing.

I took these pictures from Shrimpton Couture Blog where M.Obama is noted for being unafraid to break senseless protocols (hugging Queen E.), connecting with people with genuine warmth, and not to mention giving interesting gifts to the Queen (an iPod with Obama's speeches, show tunes, and other stuff).

Also, she's been wearing awesome outfits throughout her EU trip so far, including a Toledo outfit, Michael Kors coat & Jason Wu dress, embellished J. Crew cardigan, Junya Watanabe sweater over Jason Wu dress, Thakoon coat (twice), and this especially fabulous Thakoon dress in the second picture.

Right now, she is in an Azzedine Alaia poufy dress, with and without a cropped bolero. I find the dress really adorable and certainly not too poufy! I think she looks amazing and interesting with all the different colors she's been wearing and her fearlessness to venture where other wives of political figures are shy of going. At the very least, "common people" like me won't feel bored and dismiss what M.Obama has been wearing as "just another proper dress suit".

And I truly hope the produce in the garden M.Obama started blooms into great-tasting fruits!

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